Tid Bit Poet

Tid Bit Poet

Wednesday, 29 October 2014


As life's daily chores go on, you need that something, its not merely something to hold on to, not even an escape, its those moments which make you feel alive, in its entirety.

Capoeira an art, born as a form of repression, to give people that something, still continues to touch many a lives, every single day, still stands strong to that magic!

Viva Capoeira.
Viva Capoeira Pune :)

Wednesday, 8 October 2014


For a moment or two
I was lost in the beauty
The wind stopped blowing
The hair was curvaceously flowing
Eyes dancing
Mind wanting to rush
Heart stayed patiently
She seemed all golden
I quietly wished 
Please clock take a little longer to tick
For a moment now etched
I am still all lost in the beauty