Tid Bit Poet

Tid Bit Poet

Sunday, 11 August 2013


  Everyday when you wake up
Wanting to read her message
Or whisper her Goodmorning
Thanking her for being my sunshine
The glow of which reflecting on my face 

   With every email your heart beats
Thinking it be hers
Leaving aside all!!
U sit, stare, smile, chuckle
Only for it to be doubled
When its hers

  With every breath
You wished she was besides
Only to find your self leaving her an update

  All your heart
Yearns only to see her

  When you close your eyes
 All you see is her
 Then you know 

Monday, 25 March 2013

A Miss!!!

There is noise
But the music is miss
There is music
But a note is miss
The notes are there
But an instrument is miss
The instruments are there
But the orchestra is miss
The orchestra is there
But the maestro is a miss
The masestro is there
But the symphony is a miss
The symphony is there
But the audience is a miss
The audience is there
But the but the
Everything is there
But something is still a miss

The presence is there
But the absence is a miss
The light is there
But the darkness is a miss
The love is there
But the hatred is a miss
The calm is there
But the anger is a miss

I am here
But m still a miss!!!

Sunday, 27 January 2013


I am the strength
I am the flow
I am the twist
I am the turns

I've cut through rocks
Conquered mountains
Through the forest
I make my way
Swept civilisations
Destroyed ploughed fields

I have lived
change has surrendered
I've soared
Through night and day
Day and night!

I keep ticking
I keep working
I have no friends
Work is my only friend

I am slow
Very slow
A second at a time
Not more no less

M boring
Very boring
I follow the same routine
In and out

Consider me not weak
I have tamed
The big
The strong
The mighty

The one that once,
cut through the rocks
Conquered mountains
Now flows around them
Waters them

Tick by tick
Second by second
Perseverance pays
my only strength